Health Benefits of Star Fruit

Star Fruit also known as (Carambola) is rich in antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin C; and low in sugar, sodium, and acid. It is also a potent source of both primary and secondary polyphenolic antioxidants.  Averrhoa carambola has both antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.  Extracts showed antimicrobial activity against E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Wikepedia]

Health Benefits

  • Star fruit ( Carambola) an excellent source of Vitamin C which is important to the health of our body. It helps in maintaining bones, teeth, mucous membranes, skin and improve the immune system.. A single slice of star fruit has 37.2 mg of Vitamin C (USDA.nutrition data)
  • The fruit has beta-carotene, which can be converted into retinol or vitamin A in your body for good vision and appetite.  The star fruit is rich in soluble fiber, which can be useful to reduce cholesterol levels and keep your bowels healthy.
  • The star fruit provides little amounts of the B vitamins such as vitamin B5  and the derivatives may help lower cholesterol and speed up wound recovery.
  • Star fruit also contains folate or vitamin B9 that is essential for preventing birth defects as well as for reducing the risk of stroke and heart fruit CARAMBOLA

Note : If you have Kidney problems check with your doctors before eating star fruit.  On Hemodialysis or starting hemodialysis Always AVOID star fruit (carambola). [The National Kidney Foundation]

Sources:  Fruits of warm climate. Julia F. Morton, Florida Gardener. CDC