The word love itself has a variety of meanings and interpretations, making it very difficult for many to describe. This is how Ellen White describes it in one of her book  THE ADVENTIST HOME, PAGE 50
“Love Is a Precious Gift From Jesus— Pure and holy affection is not a feeling, but a principle. Those who are actuated [ put into motion] by true love are neither unreasonable nor blind. There is but little real, genuine, devoted, pure love. This precious article is very rare. Passion is termed love.
True love is a high and holy principle, altogether different in character from that love which is awakened by impulse, and which suddenly dies when severely tested.
Love is a plant of heavenly growth, and it must be fostered and nourished. Affectionate hearts, truthful, loving words, will make happy families and exert an elevating influence upon all who come within the sphere of their influence.”
[ 1 Corinthians 13  DESCRIBES Love Best.
The Bible is full of scriptures that show God’s love for us, and the benefits. His love is everlasting and most important of them all. God’s love is always powerful and able to make us a better person. “Love is Power” It saves us, transforms us, and yes it heals us. And today I am going to highlight three main health benefits of love…

1. Love produces positive emotions.  
Love is known to bring about many positive emotions. Laughter is one of those emotions. Laughter is known to be healing to the soul and good for your mental well-being. As they say, “laughter is the best medicine.”  Nice words like sweety, honey, dear, cupcake  makes the heart merry.  The bible says “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:  but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (‭Proverbs:‬ ‭17:‭22‬ KJV)

Love is a very powerful antidote to fight stress, conflict and pain both mentally and physically. “Love eradicate from the heart hatred, emulation, and strife, and the root of bitterness, whereby many are polluted.”  Love also has the power to heal and renew ones mental, emotional and physical well being. Research shows that loving acts neutralize the kind of negative emotions that adversely affect the immune, endocrine and cardiovascular function. Hugging your spouse, children, friends and saying I love you especially to your children should be done. This will produce positive emotions from them. Years gone by parents were afraid to say I love you to their children and many of them grew up feeling unloved fathers afraid to tell their sons I love you. You couldn’t even hold hands with someone of the opposite sex, and let them see. Thank God it’s different now. because we are not afraid to express love anymore.

2. Love helps us live longer and fights disease. 
There have been studies that show even patients who are diagnosed with cancer have recovered from cancer treatment faster when they had strong family connections. Also, those in loving partnerships recovered quicker or completely eliminated the cancer with no scientific explanation other than the fact the patient had great love and support from close family and friends, and of course God’s intervention..
The feeling of “butterflies in your stomach” is an actual physical reaction caused when our body responds to the strong attraction that is felt when one is “falling in love” or “in love” with someone else. Physically, your heart rate increases which causes increased blood flow to all parts of your body. This actually has a positive effect on the mind and body, and helps with healing.

3. Love keeps the doctor away. 
Many studies prove that people in a loving, long-term relationship have longer average life spans
“Endorphins are the key. According to the National Institute of Health, love triggers the hormone oxytocin which makes us feel good. It also lowers the levels of stress chemicals in our system,.reducing blood pressure, improving mood, increasing tolerance for pain and perhaps even speeding how fast wounds heal.  Physical contact like cuddles, hugs and kisses trigger the production of oxytocin,” Make sure that you get your daily dose of hugs, affection, smiles and don’t forget to say I love you. It’s the cure for many ailments.
I hope this information helps you understand that love has a great impact on our emotional and physical well-being. Falling in love and being in love are very positive. God is love, He loves you and me,He gave us love  and we should show it, share it and express it. It must be nurtured like a plant or baby so it can grow.  Love does nothing but good.

I will close with this Quote from Adventist Home p. 195 by Ellen G. White.

“Love’s agencies have wonderful power, for they are divine. The soft answer that “turneth away wrath,” the love that “suffereth long, and is kind,” the charity that “covereth a multitude of sins”—would we learn the lesson, with what power for healing would our lives be gifted! How life would be transformed and the earth become a very likeness and foretaste of heaven! – {AH 195.1}